今の瞬間の完全な受入/Complete acceptance of the moment

Whilst listening to this/これを聞きながら…








Being alone can be considered a negative thing, but in my opinion it is a great opportunity to discover yourself deeply and even go to the roots of yourself. Your beliefs, small fleeting thoughts, unnoticed when you are with others, but later bring you inner suffering. . I love to be by myslef, because I am then not affected by other people's energies, but at the same times, sometimes I find it difficult to let myself just feel this vast loneliness, which sometimes brings about emptiness. Then I tend to think I ought to have fun with other people. Then I ask myself if I have ever felt this feeling in its entirety. Throughout most of my life, looking through the eyes of my current self, , the hardest thing was to COMPLETELY accept the happening. I have always had some kind of dissatisfaction. No matter how small it was, it always brought resistance toward the outside happening. And resistance caused inner stress, pain, and suffering. I wanted to be somewhere else, not in that current situation. And being in that feeling is not at all comfortable. So I tried imagining myself to be in a happy place, utopia.


But, is it possible? It might be a bit hard, but not impossible, to completely accept the current situation. It might not be perfect or what you have wanted, expected, but see all that. Your expectations, wishes, to let go of them, and just accept the current moment. And by complete acceptance I mean you no longer have any resistance to the current moment.


Can I do that?